Saturday, June 18, 2005

"Cook! You need to cook!"

Just prior to starting dinner preparations, Diane suspected something was in Corinne's mouth and asked her what it was. Corinne ran away certifying guilt. At the end of the line, Corinne spun around on her heals, pointed at Diane as she appoached and gave her the above quoted marching orders. What was in her mouth? A tiny, tasty stone... Indeed, get cooking!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

"Hi. I Satan!"

Diane got a very nice letter from a neighborhood mom looking for new friends for her 5yr old son. After arranging the date, Diane walked over waggoning both Nick & Corinne to visit the new friends. As they walked up the driveway and were greeted by the new mom, this is how Corinne introduced herself. The background is that Nick has become enthralled by all things supernatural from superheroes to biblical characters. He loved Disney's Fantasia, recently borrowed from the library. With Sorcerer's Apprentice and Night on Bald Mountian ranking as favorites. Corinne was, apparently, very impressed.