Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

"Don't worry Mommy...I won't miss you."

This is one I am sure never to forget.

As I was breaking the news to Corinne that she would be attending full-day kindergarten, I told her that I would miss her. She tried to comfort me the best she could (picture her hand on my shoulder, and a serious expression on her face when she told me the above).

Truthfully, I am happy. She was trying to tell me that she will do fine when I send her out into the world. And I believe it.

"I'm glad I didn't do THAT!"

Corinne, who always has a "nose for trouble" was happy that she did not do what her friend James did: he opened a pack of gum at the grocery checkout, put a piece in his mouth and put the pack back on the rack. After seeing not only the reprimand from the matronly check out lady, but the wrath (and accompanying penance) of his Mother, Corinne looked at me and said the above.

(probably up until she saw the trouble, she had wished she had done that.)