Saturday, July 29, 2006

Stonybrook Park, Dansville, NY

If you would like to see a larger version of this slide show, click the picture...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

"Ta-da! Here is another [stuffed] animal for your house!"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Miss 2003

Miss 2003
Miss 2003
Corinne was nominated to present Jerri a rose representing the year 2003 of the 20yrs since Jerri organized the Families of FANA of WNY.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

"Mommy, I love you...

...all the way to L-M-N-O-P."

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"I don't like you and your ugly eye, too!"

Well the sympathy card didn't last long from the one that dunked me into the tank, now did it? This after some reprimand...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

"But that's my favorite color!"

Much to Corinne's encouragement, Daddy took on the dunk tank at the FANA picnic today an lost big time to the tune of 5 stitches under the eye and 3 more in the corner of the eye. Unfortunately, Corinne had to witness the profusion of blood and water. So, anxious that the tender child (riiiight) wasn't scared for life herself, she retold the story to Diane:
"It (Dad's eye) was Red. It was very, very red. But, that's my favorite color!"
Okay, she and I will be okay... ;-) ...not winking, just swollen a bit.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Mooooommmy, come and look at my ploppies!"

Hard to believe how sweet that sounds...

Friday, July 07, 2006

"I fooound your sunglasses! They were under my butt!"

Having left my sunglasses on Corinne's seat while packing the car and departed in a cloud of frustration having misplaced them, Corinne broke the tension with her discovery (without her soft Cheeks breaking the sunglasses).

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Can I call you 'Ugly'"?

Corinne chose this response while Mommy was demanding an apology from Corinne for saying: "Mommy is stupid."

She is definitely a Pip.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

"This is the bestest night ever!"

Just after the first volley of fireworks at her first 4th of July fireworks...

"Thanks for not throwing my eggs on the floor."

This was stated in the sweetest most appreciative voice. The last scrambled egg a few weeks back had some additional scrabbling on the floor while moving it from pan to plate...