Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Is that the leaf store?"

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...

"Let's go home."

They love it here at the cottage on Buck Lake, but it just occured to Corinne that going home might be an interesting thing to do.

"Talk to the words" (or letters)

We can't remember if she said talk to the "words" or "letters", but she wanted us to read something to her. Cute phrase. If you are big on reading-a-loud to your kids, this phrase has a nice extra twist to it.

"That's beatiful Nicholas! Wow, that's impressed (sic)"!

Corinne was providing critical assessment of one of Nick's drawings. In this case, it was a black snake with yellow stripes, a rendition of a snake we found on the property at the lake. So, whether Corinne was offering genuine enthusiasm or exercising her manipulation of a member of the opposite sex is topic we shall leave to the child psycolocists out there.

A Walk

Corinne and I took a hike down a old overgrown road. She eagerly walked until there was a stick in the way causing mild protest but, she managed to get around it only to lose her footing on a small rock. "I'm coming Dad!"

We walked about a1/4mi over small hills and vales with her clutching my index finger finishing up near a rather large beaver dam seperating two lakes. At that point, she was tapping out. I carried her over one hill then let her down for a few dozen steps before I was sure that the unencombered part of the jaunt had come to an end. I lifted her up and began a slow walk and within parhaps 50 steps, she was dead weight with only the slightest whisper of air passing through her tiny nose. As soon as we came upon the car, arm aching, back tiring, I turned around and walked the other way sensing that this may be the last time I get to carry her to sleep.

"I'm BIG E-nough!!!" ...

...to go for a canoe ride. And indeed she was. As we set off, daddy lost his balance just enough to rock her out of her seat and onto the floor of the canoe. Nonplused, she was perched back onto the middle of the seat. So began the rest of her first and much less eventful canoe ride. She used one of her oft borrowed phrases from Harry Potter's 3rd movie in her best Carribean dialect, "It's going to be a bumpy ride!".

The next few posts refer to Corinne's 1st Family Vacation...

... at a cottage we rented from a neighbor. The cottage is on Buck Lake between Kingston and Westport, Ontario Canada.

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...